Friday, February 29, 2008

The divisive vote-bank politics

Why anti-Brahminism is as bad as anti-Dalitism?
Belgian historian Koenraad Elst described anti-Brahminism as the Indian equivalent of anti-semitism.
“Pope Gregory XV (1621-23) decreed that the missionaries could tolerate caste distinction among Christian converts; but by and large, caste remained an effective hurdle to the destruction of Hinduism through conversion. That is why the missionaries started attacking the institution of caste and in particular the brahmin caste. This propaganda has bloomed into a full-fledged anti-brahminism, the Indian equivalent of anti-Semitism.”
To understand the dynamics of anti-Brahminism, we will have to take a look at caste arithmetic, history and the social nature of Hindu society.
Census based on caste is banned in India since castes are not encouraged in public. The last census on caste was taken in the year 1931. At that time, brahmins comprised 4 percent of the population.
Many estimate that it may have shrunk given the hostile atmosphere in which Brahmins live. However, the percentage of SCs and STs and OBCs have been made available following the reservation scheme. The SCs, STs and OBCs together form 75 percent of Indian population as per data from Mandal Commission records.
Caste wise demographics:
Scheduled Caste 16 percent
Scheduled Tribe 7percent
Other Backward Caste 2 percent
Muslims 13 percent
Sikhs 2 percent
Chrisians 2 percent
Jains & Buddhists 1 percent
Brahmins 4 percent (as per 1931 census)
Others 3 or 4 percent
From this is obvious that KHAM (Kshatriya, Harijan, Adivasi and Muslim) combination would work out to more than 90 percent. So it is natural for the Congress and the secular parties to woo this combine by demonizing the Brahmins on the charges that lower castes have been exploited by Brahmins for centuries. This forms the central crux of the anti-brahmin argument. Besides it is very safe to be an anti-Brahmin since the Brahmins are docile and don’t hit back. Just imagine what would happen if other castes and other religions were targeted.
While there is no denying the Brahmin atrocities and the need for uplifting the Dalits, the other side of the coin has to be factored too. The effects of anti-Brahminism has been disastrous for the Bharathiya psyche. It is a gross distortion of history and it undermines Brahmin sacrifices in ensuring the nation’s continuity.
Remember, the Brahmins have played a stellar role in preserving India’s heritage which have been fully acknowledged by Swami Vivekananda and Gandhi. However, this contribution has not just been ignored but negated by our eminent left historians.
To understand the reason why Hindus survived the Islamic conquests we have to study the fall of Buddhism too. This is what B R Ambedkar wrote on the fall of Buddhism in India following Islamic invasion: "The Musalman invaders sacked the Buddhist Universities of Nalanda, Vikramshila, Jagaddala, Odantapuri to name only a few. They raised to the ground Buddhist monasteries with which the country was studded. The monks fled away in thousands to Nepal, Tibet and other places outside India. A very large number were killed outright by the Muslim commanders. How the Buddhist priesthood perished by the sword of the Muslim invaders has been recorded by the Muslim historians themselves. Summarizing the evidence relating to the slaughter of the Buddhist Monks perpetrated by the Musalman General in the course of his invasion of Bihar in 1197 AD, Mr. Vincent Smith says, "....Great quantities of plunder were obtained, and the slaughter of the 'shaven headed Brahmans', that is to say the Buddhist monks, was so thoroughly completed, that when the victor sought for someone capable of explaining the contents of the books in the libraries of the monasteries, not a living man could be found who was able to read them. 'It was discovered,' we are told, 'that the whole of that fortress and city was a college, and in the Hindi tongue they call a college Bihar.' "Such was the slaughter of the Buddhist priesthood perpetrated by the Islamic invaders. The axe was struck at the very root. For by killing the Buddhist priesthood, Islam killed Buddhism. This was the greatest disaster that befell the religion of the Buddha in India...."
According to Arun Shourie, Hinduism survived largely because of Brahminism: He says: “For the Hindus, every Brahmin was a potential priest. No ordination was mandated. Neither anything else. Every household carried on rituals -- oblations, recitation of particular mantras, pilgrimages, each Brahmin family made memorizing some Veda its very purpose.... By contrast, Buddhism had instituted ordination, particular training etc. for its priestly class. Thus, when the invaders massacred Brahmins, Hinduism continued. But when they massacred the Buddhist monks, the religion itself was killed.”
The priestly Brahmin class managed to preserve India’s spiritual traditions despite ethnic cleansing and genocides. This is not to undermine the contribution of other castes who had played their role by refusing to convert despite their low stature. It is high time that the Brahmin is seen for what he is rather than being demonized.
Social dimensions of Brahmin today: French journalist Francois Gautier says: Rampant anti-Brahmanism, first used by the Muslim invaders, then by the British colonialists and missionaries, is still in vogue at the hands of Nehruvians, Marxists, Indian Christians and politicians in search of the votes of Dalits and Muslims, which combined together make and unmake prime ministers.
Gautier had published an article in – Brahmins as Dalits of Today -- stating that several young Brahmins were working in Sulab Toilets as toilet cleaners, sweepers et al (a job that is usually arrogated to the lower caste Dalits.)
Though Gautier had given this information to the Indian media, they started avoiding him, refused to publish it and some even criticized him as a “RSS stooge”. Certainly when editors, intellectuals and intelligentsia of the day bear anti-brahmin bias and refuse to look at reality, it is a tragedy of the society besides a slur on journalistic tradition which preaches objectivity. Remember, Brahmins are always projected as a fat, rich arrogant community. The selective amnesia of the media when it comes to Brahmin poverty is breathtaking. Is it not?
Sri Aurobindo wrote: 'A Brahmin was a Brahmin only if he cultivated the spiritual temperament and acquired the spiritual training which alone would qualify him for the task.'
Says Gautier, “Thanks to the lingering influence of Nehruvianism, 'Brahmins' remain today a dirty word, even in the face of reality: that Dalits have considerably come up since 1947 in Indian society, that no nation in the world has done so much for its underprivileged (India had a Dalit President -- did the US ever have a Black President?). But the intellectual elite of India, which never mentions these facts, continues to hide its face in the sand like an ostrich, refusing to see the reality.”
Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, the founder of the Sulabh Shauchalaya Movement remarks: 'Society sustained the Brahmins and other upper castes earlier, who upheld the Hindu scriptures and Hindu culture. Today Hinduism is on the decline day-by-day. There is a lack of ancient knowledge. No political party has objected to reservation thanks to vote-bank politics. People have a very short memory. They have forgotten the contribution made by Brahmins to our society.'
And who says that Brahmins and other upper castes are anti-Dalits. Some of India's top avatars, saints and gurus were of low caste and are still worshipped today by all upper castes. Valmiki, the composer of the Ramayana, was a fisherman; Ved Vyasa, the epic poet of the Mahabharata, which also contains the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible of Future Humanity, was the son of a fisherwoman; Krishna was from the shepherd's caste. And are not today's Amritanandamayi or Satya Sai Baba of low caste birth? Don't they have millions of Indians, many of them from upper castes, bowing down to them?
Anti-Brahmanism has to be stopped! This inter-caste war, triggered by the politicians' greed for votes, has to be defused.
Brahmins and Manu Smrithies: Manu Smrithies are the most effective tool used for Brahmin bashing. However, what is not pointed out is that Manu Smrithi has no validity in Hindu soceity. Manu Smriti is part of Samaja Dharma (which is like a constitution which was valid only during a certain period of time). Hindus have more faith in Sanatana Dharma (texts like Bhagavad Gita). According to several other scholars, the Manu Smrithies suffer from interpolation and cannot be relied upon. Most of the Hindus are ignorant about Manu Smrithies and tend to rely more upon classical texts like the Bhagavad Gita.
It is these alien intellectuals who have selected obscure passages from Manu Smrithies and are demonising a largely peaceful community. They do not point out other scriptures like the Gita where the Brahmin is described as a person in whom you find "truthfulness, generosity, absence of hatred, modesty, goodness and self-restraint." Appreciating Brahmins is taboo in India.
What these intellectual worthies do not realise is that most of the Dalit reformers were Brahmins too. This only proves that brahmins are open to reforms and committed to justice.
A smritis, or code of conduct composed by sage Atri defines brahminhood very clearly."By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit (brahmajnana), he becomes a brahmin."

Zen and the art of Hindu nationalism

It has become a cliché. The four enemies of Hindutva – the Hindu equivalent of Zionism -- are Islam, Christianity, Communism and capitalism and not necessarily in that order.
Notwithstanding the cliché, it has to be repeated that these indeed form the crux of the problem. There is no way you can escape these dreaded ideologies anywhere in the world.
Regarding Islam, Christianity and Communism, the less said the better. Epics can be written about their genocides. However, capitalism is a silent killer. It is reflected in its side-effects of war, poverty, suicide and abject penury.
The recent war on Iraq was just a side effect of capitalism. Remember the oil for food scheme.Anyway, it is no more a secret to say that we are living in the age of bubble economy. The US Federal Reserve has printed the greenbacks to such an extent that it might well pass as tissue papers in the days to come. The dollar crisis is not a silly conspiracy theory. It is for real and globalization could go for a six despite the heroic efforts of Euro to reinvent itself.
Anyway, these are the Zen lines for the Hindus.
Vote En bloc, Protest en masse
This is what the Jehadis do

Increase numbers, Infiltrate Institutes
Rig the mediaThis is what the Padres do

Ly, slander and character assassinate
This is what Comrades do

Grease palms, Lobby more
This is what Corporates do

Two eye for an eye, A jaw for a tooth
This is what kshatriyas should do

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Using Dalits as an artifice for aggression

The way Mullah, Missionary, Marxist brigade seeks to divide Hindu society
The Mahabharata defines the varna qualities thus: "He in whom you find truthfulness, generosity, absence of hatred, modesty, goodness and self-restraint, is a brahmana. He who fulfills the duties of a knight, studies the scriptures, concentrates on acquisition and distribution of riches, is a kshatriya. He who loves cattle-breeding, agriculture and money, is honest and well-versed in scripture, is a vaishya. He who eats anything, practises any profession, ignores purity rules, and takes no interest in scriptures and rules of life, is a shudra."
The higher the varna, the more rules of self-discipline are to be observed. Hence, a jati could collectively improve its status by adopting more demanding rules of conduct, e.g. vegetarianism.
Untouchability never existed in the Vedas: Untouchability is unknown in the Vedas, and therefore repudiated by neo-Vedic reformers like Dayanand Saraswati, Narayan Guru, Gandhiji and Savarkar. The 1950 constitution outlawed untouchability and sanctioned positive discrimination programs for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Lately, the Vishva Hindu Parishad has managed to get even the most traditionalist religious leaders on the anti-untouchability platform, so that they invite harijans to Vedic schools and train them as priests.
Despite this, the Mullah, Missionary, Marxist brigade raises a howl about Dalit atrocities for two reasons as they see it a convenient ploy to divide Hindu society as well as garner international funds. Recently, a Dalit body (obviously funded by the anti-Hindus) had tried to get casteism registered as apartheid in the UN.
What these worthies do not point out is that India’s poverty is largely a result of the colonial/Islamic rule and the plight of the Hindus irrespective of their caste was aggravated largely by the arrival of the invaders. It was these invaders who made a mess of the largely rich and peaceful nation called Bharatvarsh. As Swami Vivekananda rightly said: “The Mohammedans brought murder and slaughter in their train, but until their arrival peace prevailed.”
It must be remembered that the Brahmins of India never wielded arms. It was the Kshatriyas who wielded the political power. The Brahmins were the priestly class who survived on patronage. While, it is true that those in the lower end suffered due to domination by the upper caste, it must be pointed out that there were several other factors like Islamic rule and colonialism which led to the social and economic deprivation of the lower as well as higher end of the society. To pin all the blames for the defects of Hindu society on the upper caste needs a huge stretch of imagination, which the Indian media has in plenty. When it comes to conspiracy theory, the creative imagination of the leftists is beyond imagination.
Rejecting Manu Smrithi: Most of the secularists quote the Manu Smriti to embarrass the Hindus. These include scholars, historians and intellectuals of Left-Missionary persuasion. However Manu Smrithi has no validity in Hindu soceity. Manu Smriti is part of Samaja Dharma (which is like a constitution which was valid only during a certain period of time). Hindus have more faith in Sanatana Dharma (texts like Bhagavad Gita). According to several other scholars, the Manu Smrithies suffer from interpolation and cannot be relied upon. Most of the Hindus are ignorant about Manu Smrithies and tend to rely more upon classical texts like the Bhagavad Gita. Besides, Hinduism is self-reforming and corrects its defects as it happened through so many socio-religious-spiritual reformers down the ages. It goes without saying that attempts at Dalit reforms are on in the right earnest in Hindu society, although a lot remains to be done.
VHP on Manu Smrithi: This is what Ashok Singhal, the VHP President wrote: The “Manu Smriti” or the “Yagyavalkya Smriti” has no connection with Adi Manu or the Sage Yagyavalkya. The “Smritis” were written during the reign of Pushyamitra about 2200 years ago. There is no reference of such Smritis in the Mahabharata.
There are two portions in the Smritis – one is ‘Yama’ and the other is ‘Niyama’. ‘Yama’ consists of eternal values while the ‘Niyamas’ were the periodic governing laws or codes of conduct meant for running the affairs of the state of the then kings. There are more than three hundred Smritis. They have little to do with the eternal values of Dharma. These have been responsible for gross discrimination that is alien to our concept of ‘Ekaatmataa’ (Ekaatm Bhaava/Integralism) that is expounded in our ancient scriptures – the Shrutis (the four Vedas – the eternal revealed scriptures) and the Upanishads.Caste untouchability never existed in the Vedas. It is the creation of the Muslim rule because those who put up a fight and did not convert to Islam were punished for their commitment to their indigenous ethos and thrown out of the society as untouchables. These heroic people are enlisted as scheduled castes. We must differentiate between the ‘scheduled castes’ and the ‘Shudras’. Shudras were held with respect before the advent of the Smritis and the scheduled castes are of recent origin created during the muslim rule.
The Vishva Hindu Parishad totally rejects the “Manu Smriti” as it has no place in a civilized society. The Adi Manu Smriti is the Gita as revealed in Chapter IV of the Gita. The Dharma Sansad and the Margadarshak Mandal of Vishva Hindu Parishad constituted of Dharmacharyas, Sants, Mahamandaleshwars and Mahants have totally rejected caste untouchability as prevalent in the Hindu society today. They have decided to give ‘Mantra Deeksha’ without any discrimination.In the Vedas, there is no discrimination amongst the four Varnas. All are considered genius and masterminds in their own fields and all looked upon one another with respect. Recitation of the Vedic Mantras in daily life was practiced by the entire society irrespective of Varna. As for the Ashram Vyavastha, it enabled the individual-self to gradually unfold and expand his/her horizon of consciousness from micro-self through family, creed, nationality and ultimately attained absolute perfection by identifying with the universal self, the omnipresent divine self. Man started his journey as an individual Brahmachari, proceeded to Grihastha Ashram, then Vaanaprastha Ashram when he dedicated himself to the service of humanity, and finally accepted the Sannyaas Ashram in which he had to surrender his individual self at the feet of the divine for ultimate salvation.

Scientific dogma: When atheists hide behind the façade of science

Why secular humanists are wrong in lumping Hinduism with Abrahamic faiths
Albert Einstein said: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Einstein was not a conservative Jew but he was a Zionist. He believed in in a separate state for Jews – Israel-- just as Hindu nationalists believe in Akhand Bharat (Undivided India).
However Einstein can be said to be a follower of either Deism or Pantheism as he rejected the idea of a personal God. (Deism is a religious philosophy and movement that derives the existence and nature of God from reason and personal experience. Pantheism is the view that everything is of an all-encompassing immanent abstract God or that Universe, Nature and God are equivalent.). Hey, Is not Einstein closer to Hindu brand of advaita (non-duality)?
Now this is the real sceintist’s take on religion and God. While Einstein was not deeply religious in the conservative sense, he had a sense of awe for the working of the universe which led to his pantheistic views and a sense of agnosticism.
However, these days there are many atheists who are lurking behind the façade of science in their bid to destabilise and lump noble religions like Hinduism along with the wrathful killer Abrahmic faiths.
Julian Baggini explains: “What most atheists do believe is that although there is only one kind of stuff in the universe and it is physical, out of this stuff come minds, beauty, emotions, moral values - in short the full gamut of phenomena that gives richness to human life.”
Now atheism is not new to Hinduism. There was Sage Charvaka who was an avowed atheist. It is not atheism that is the problem. It is when atheists use the façade of science to create a totalitarian state that is the problem.
This is what happened with Communists. Their claim was that “Communism is a science”. If Communism was a science, it was scientific dogma because the Communist State of USSR collapsed like a pack of cards. However, before it collapsed, it led to the death of crores of ‘masses’ proving that even atheism can be as dangerous if not more dangerous than the Abrahmic faiths. The Communists who had nowhere to go now branded themselves as secular humanists and are now going all out against religions. That is no problem.
What is objectionable is that the Indian secular humanists (who have abandoned their red ideological underwear for pink) are now hiding behind the facades of science to lump Hinduism along with the Abrahmic faiths.
The way of these intellectual frauds is no doubt unholy. The Abrahmic faiths are wrathful. They divide the world between the believer and the non-believer. They believe in converting the entire world to their faith unlike Hinduism, which believes in, live and let-live. The Abrahamic faiths are single prophet-single book religion unlike Hinduism which have a range of thousands of books and thousands of prophets. The choice is wide for Hinduism.
Yet, these secular humanists are lumping Hinduism with the killer Abrahmic faiths on the pretext that the Dalits are ill-treated and they even go to the extent of lumping it with jehad and inquisition. Forget the numbers involved. These ‘Secularists’ do not have any intellectual honesty. Though crores were killed in jehad, inquisition and bloody revolution, these worthies maintain that casteism is the Hindu equivalent of jehad and inquisition.. The international media helps them by exaggerating violence against Dalits. This is the crux of the matter.
This is how their argument flows: They say that: In religions like Hinduism, it is orthopraxis (religious practices, rituals and societal codes) which is more important than orthodoxy (religious beliefs) unlike Abrahamic faiths which believe in orthodoxy. In both cases, they say, the violation of the rules lead to punishment not less then death. This is how these intellectual frauds lump Hinduism along with killer Abrahamic faiths.
What they do not understand is that Hinduism is a democratic religon and Hindus are free to reject both orthodoxy and orthopraxy. The Hindu religion is like a menu for the seeker of truth. It has everything for everyone. As Swami Vivekananda said: "The great strength of Hinduism is that it does not lay down one dogma for everybody as is the case with Christianity and Islam. The fault with all religions like Christianity and Abrahmic religions that they have one set of rules for all. But Hindu religion is suited to all grades of religious aspiration and progress. It contains all the ideas in their perfect form…." "Universality, which does not preserve individuality, is false. Individuality in universality is the plan of creation... Man is individual and at the same time universal. It is while raising the individual that we realize even our universal nature.? It is because of this spirit of universality that Hinduism has never been a persecuting religion." “You know that the Hindu religion never persecutes. It is the land where all sects may live in peace and unity. The Mohammedans brought murder and slaughter in their train, but until their arrival peace prevailed"

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Hindu concept of war

Why dharma yuddha is different from jehad and inquisition
Are Hindus pacifist or martian? Now there is a new argument in the mainstream media. They say that Hindu nationalists are not really Hindus. Hinduism is tolerant and a religion of peace and brotherhood, while those in the Hindutva camp are intolerant warmongers. That is the crux of the arguments.
It seems as if there are two sides of Hinduism. One talks of pacifism (Sarve Bhavanthu Sukhinaha May all sentient beings live in peace) and the other talks of war (Arise Arjuna, Fight for the sake of dharma).
What are the codes of dharmayuddha that was followed by almost all Hindu warriors from the ancient to the medieval age? Is it similar to jehad or inquisition in any way?It must be said that dharmayuddha (the Hindu concept of war) is radically different from Jehad or Inquisition or even the modern wars.
The ancient Hindus viewed war as a means to protect dharma and resorted to war only as a last resort when all other efforts to secure peace failed. Dharma Yuddha is more a code of chivalry. It entails that women, children, weak and infirm should not be attacked. No subterfuge is employed. No backstabbing and no fights during the night. It was more of a tournament where warriors showcased their strength.
At the same time, Jehad and Inquisitions are quite different. Both advocate subterfuge and pre-emptive strikes and are waged in the form of religious expansionism. Both the Christian and Muslim warriors attacked with sword in one hand the Bible/Koran in the other. The Koranic concept of war – authored by Malik – justifies pre-emptive attacks and barbarism as it says that the best way to defeat the enemy is to demoralize him and scaring him to the best possible extent. However, this is not the case with dharmayuddha.
The Hindus were forced to change their tactics after the Muslim invasions as most of the Muslims resorted to subterfuge. Prithviraj Chauhan had almost defeated Mohammed Ghori when he feigned surrender and escaped. This generosity on the part of Prithviraj proved too costly and cost him his kingdom.The first Hindu King who employed subterfuge as a part of his war was Shivaji. Shivaji was an expert at guierella warfare. He broke all the rules of the Hindu war book and even attacked at night. This, many say, was necessitated as his adversaries cared little for dharmayuddha. Anyway Shivaji is still remembered as one of the forerunners of Hindu nationalism as his army combated the Muslim army’s warcry of “Allah Hu Akbar” with “Har Har Mahadev”. It was Shivaji who gave the Hindu nationalists a new concept of war where everything was justified as long as the Hindu interests are served.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bharat vs India: A culture clash

Bharat and India are not separate pieces of land. However, they are separate states of mind.
While India believes in the West, Bharat reposes its trust in the ancient culture of the land. While India looks towards the west for solutions, Bharat looks within for solutions. The Indian outlook is materialistic, while the Bharathiya ethos views spirit as primary and believes in the spiritual approach. While India believes in self-indulgence, Bharat believes in sacrifices. While India believes in individualism, Bharat believes in family values. The list seems to be endless.
It must be said that India has its birth in Macualay’s minutes. Lord Macualay – the man who designed the Indian education system said: "Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully; we find it difficult to provide instruction to all. The effect of this education on Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who has received an English education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. It is my firm belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respected classes 30 years hence. And this will be effected without our efforts to proselytize; I heartily rejoice in the prospect'“ Today, the word Macualay’s children refers to the breed of Indians – who are Indians in blood and colour but British in taste, morals and opinions.
During the British rule, there seem to have been two motives working in the minds of the rulers: plundering the wealth of this land and the 'white man's burden ' of civilizing the natives (the term used by them to refer to all Indians). While the plundering was done in the name of the trade, the de-indigenisation of Bharat was achieved through Macualay’s education.
Both the culture shock and the plunder was equally brutal: Perhaps many of us do not know that India was the richest land till the British came on the scene.. Whereas Britain's share in world exports before was only 9% as against India's share of 19% today our share is only 0.5%.
In the Round- table conference in 1931, Mahatma Gandhi in one of his speeches said, "The beautiful tree of education was cut down by you British. Therefore today India is far more illiterate than it was 100 years ago." Immediately, Philip Hartog, who was a parliamentarian stood up and said, "Mr.Gandhi, it is we who have educated the masses of India. And therefore you must take back your statement and apologise or prove it." Gandhiji said he would prove it. But the debate did not continue for lack of time. Later one of his followers, Shri Dharampal, went to the British museum and examined the reports and archives. He published a book "The Beautiful Tree" where this matter has been discussed in great detail. By 1820, the British had already destroyed the financial resources that supported our educational system- a destruction that they had been carrying out for nearly twenty years. But still the Indians persisted in continuing with their system of education. So, the British decided to find out the intricacies of this system. Therefore a survey was ordered in 1822 and was conducted by the British district collectors. In the survey it was found that the Bengal presidency had 1 lakh village schools, in Madras there was not a single village without a school, in Bombay, if the village population was near 100, the village had a school. Teachers as well as students of all castes were in these schools. The Brahmins accounted 7% to 48% of the teachers, and the rest of the teachers in any district, came from other castes. Further all children had their education in their mother tongue.
Losing roots means losing power: How does a nation get weakened? A nation gets weakened when the ignorance of the people about their own roots increases, or when they become ashamed of themselves or of their forefathers. Actually that is where real regression of a nation starts. A nation, which wants to forget about itself and imitate other nations, cannot redeem itself but is on the path of self-destruction. The regression is there in our nation at present. And if we truly do not want to weaken ourselves as a nation, we need to extricate our educational system out of its Macaulayian traits, and obtain a fresh and untainted understanding of our ideals; which have held us together as a nation for nearly ten thousand years.
Only when a nation progresses along its roots, it truly advances. Indigenous growth is better than imitation of the west any day.

From Jaichand to Sachar – The History of Hindu traitors

Why Hindus are their own enemy
The reasons are not far to seek. Why is it that the great Bharatvarsh with a fount of wisdom and brave warriors succumb to foreign invaders? Why is it that the land -- where milk and honey flowed like Himalayan delight – was subject to abject penury.
If you check out the history of Bharatvarsh, you will see a history of backbiting. When Muhammed bin Qasim attacked Dahir of Sindh, it was Dahir’s astrologers who deserted him stating that they had come to know from their knowledge of astronomy that Sindh will be taken over by Muslims. Besides, they did not remain silent. These astrologers joined hands with the Muslim invaders to facilitate their first intrusion in Bharatvarsh after defeating Dahir –who was beheaded in the war.
The next famous case was that of Jaichand and Prithivraj Chauhan. Jaichand joined hands with Ghori to ensure Chauhan’s defeat. The list goes on. What is interesting is that the Hindu traitors were also betrayed by the foreign invaders. The lessons of history cannot be missed.
Even today, the greatest enemy of the Hindu society is the Hindu himself who makes it easier for the enemies to have a foothold in the society.
Today’s traitors are no doubt the secularists and the human right brigade. These worthies are ultra-sensitive to their foreign bosses and sneeze when the Mullah-Padre-Comrade-Corporate brigade catches a cold.
Sadhvi Rithamabara’s story which enthralled angry Hindus rings true: During the war between the 10th Sikh Guru Guru Gobind Singh and the Mughal King Aurangazeb, there were thousands of bodies lying in the battlefield. The Guru told his aide to burn the Hindu body and bury the Muslim body. However, this aide of the Guru, could not identify the religion of the bodies, so he decided to give all the bodies a mass cremation.
When the Guru came to know of this, he is said to have remarked. We never know if it is true, but the Guru’s message was interesting. Now the Muslims who have been cremated will be reborn in Hindu houses and will continue to undermine Hindu interests.
The message is obvious. These secularists, media persons and human rightwallahs were those dead Muslims who were burned along with Hindu bodies. They are now reborn with Hindu names and Hindu households. Despite this, they continue to work against Hindu interests and help their enemy in destabilizing Hindu society.
The list of Hindu traitors is huge. For the list, perhaps, you have to read the book – India is for sale – by Chitra Subramaniam. Of course, the ever shrieking Teesta Setalvad, Prannoy Roy, Arundatti Roy, Rajdeep Sardesai, Khushwant Singh, Kuldeep Nayyar and Mani Shankar Aiyer are in the top 100 if not the top 10.
The last and the most prominent Hindu traitors happens to be Rajendra Sachar. The Rajendra Sachar report advocates reservations for Muslims in all walks of life claiming that they are being victimized in India. It must be reported that a similar such report had been tabled in the early 19th century – the Hunter’s Report. This report had encouraged Muslims to divide India into two parts. The Sachar Report has become grist to the Muslim mills to divide the nation further. He is the latest Hindu traitor to join the list. Any doubts? As for the human rights brigade, they are very much concerned with terrorists’ right rather than civilian rights. Shedding tears for terrorists come naturally for them. No wonder, they are the same Muslim bodies reincarnating in Hindu households.

When Corporations rule the world

Nuke Hindutva, digital divide and globalisation
When Corporations Rule the World – a book by the American leftist David C Korten – is a searing indictment of an unjust international economic order that we are facing today.
He writes: Most everyone is aware that we live in an unequal world. Few realize, however, just how extreme the inequality has become or how fast the gap between the poor and the super rich is growing. Forbes tells us the world now has 358 billionaires. Their combined net worth exceeds the combined net worth of the world's poorest 2½ billion people. This is but one manifestation of the extreme economic and social distortions created by the globalized free market economy idealized by business publications such as Forbes and Business Week.
Korten's laser-like analysis exposes the way global corporations dominate people and their governments. The situation is no different in India.
After the Cold War ended, the US promoted globalisation in a big way. It opened its markets, cut tariffs and promoted cheap imports. The US Federal Reserve also cut rates and printed more dollars. It thus promoted a global financial architecture by which an unwritten ‘safety rule’ has been enforced on central banks of other nations to hold their reserves in US securities.
Ever since the Indian Government adopted LPG (Liberalisation, Privatization and Globaliastion) after the failure of Nehruvian model of socialism in 1991, the global corporations have upped the ante on their presence in India. Now they are entering sectors never before eyed by large corporations in India like the retail sector and farming. Their entry is sure to make life difficult for the common Indian who is normally at ease in the unorganized sector. That many of their schemes are implemented by greasing palms was poignantly portrayed in journalist Chitra Subramaniam’s book – India is for sale.
It is the Swadeshi Jagran Manch – an affiliate of the Sangh Parivar – which is opposing market globalisation in India. Dattopant Thengadi – the RSS idealogue – was the founder of SJM who decided to launch this movement as he felt that it was needed to thwart the free run of the Corporations in the age of LPG.
When the now Prime Minister and then Finance Minister Manmohan Singh went about selling LPG, he was of the view that the trickle down effects of FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) would lead to equitable growth.
However, the trickle down effect has not taken place and what has taken place is an inequitable growth. Of course, Indian Multinationals like the Tatas and Reliance have benefited. There are more Indian billionaires in the Forbest list and India is now in the Trillionaire Club of Forex Reserves. Those in the rural areas – especially the farmers are bearing the brunt of globalization. Thousands of farmers are said to have committed suicide in rural India due to unsustainability .
India is facing what can be called a digital divide. On the one hand, technology is booming in cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad – which are reaping the benefits of globalisation. On the other hand, there are scenes of deprivations.
The Money Game: Now that India’s forex reserves have crossed a trillion dollars, it is best to analyse the money game – which is not as glittering as it seem. Korten points out that the world's most powerful instrument of governance is not a government. Nor is it a global corporation. Rather it is a global financial system that is running dangerously out of control.
“Each day half a million to a million people--primarily Western Europeans, North Americans, and Japanese--arise as dawn reaches their part of the world, turn on their computers, and leave the real world of people, things, and nature to immerse themselves in playing the world's most lucrative computer game: the money game. As their computers come on line, they enter a world of cyberspace constructed of numbers that represent money and complex rules by which those numbers can be converted into a seemingly infinite variety of financial instruments, each with its own distinctive risks and reproductive qualities. Through their interactions, the players engage in competitive transactions aimed at acquiring for their own accounts the money that other players hold.”
He further says that the Corporations are influencing us in more ways than we think
The world's most powerful corporations are also active in shaping public policy in ways that virtually forces us into a pattern of overconsumption that yields large profits to themselves at the expense of our quality of living. Evidence is mounting that to make our societies sustainable we will have to restructure our systems of production and consumption to largely eliminate:
Dependence on personal automobiles;
Long distance movement of goods and people;
The use of chemicals in agriculture; and
The generation of garbage that we cannot immediately recycle.
Though Korten is a leftist, his message is true enough for the entire world. The Saffron idealogue S Gurumurthy is also in agreement about the precarious position when he says that the US is spending while the rest of the nations are saving in US dollars. It is as if the other nations are saving for the US expenditure.
When Americans spend beyond their means: So far Americans have borrowed through credit cards $2.46 trillion; through sub-prime mortgages $1.3 trillion; and through other mortgages not regarded as prime another $1.5 trillion — all aggregating to $5.26 trillion. By mid-May 2007, the US National Debt stood at approximately at mind-boggling $8.85 trillion -- i.e. approximately $28,000 for every American. The current account deficit of the United States for 2006 is estimated to be in excess of $850 billion. This approximates to 7% of its GDP. Surely, even for the US, this is unsustainable.
As S Gurumurthy says: The US Fed, which is the de facto central bank of the world, is an enigmatic institution whose origins are shrouded in mystery. Its shareholding pattern remains a secret. The US Government has only marginal control over it. Given the Fed’s influence on the world economy, it is imperative to have a global watch on its policies and actions.
The validity of the dollar is also under threat from the rising Euro. Today, though it is the Gulf regions which produces oil, crudes can be purchased only through the medium of dollars through two exchanges at New York at London.
As M R Venkatesh says in his column in Late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was fully aware of this paradigm. Seeking to exploit the inherent weakness of the US dollar, Saddam wanted to trade his crude in Euros, which would have lead to a lower demand for the US Dollar and thereby triggered a dollar collapse. And those were his 'weapons of mass destruction -- WMD.' And if some analysts are to be believed, Venezuela and Iran too possess the very same WMD. Naturally, it requires some specious arguments and military intervention to protect the US dollar. Never in the history of mankind has a national army protected the national currency so vigorously as the US Army has done is the past decade or so.
The need for an international Hindu lobby: In this age of globalisation, Hindus are badly missing an international lobby sans ideological baggages which can safeguard its interests. The white race guards its race very carefully all the while avoiding the slur of racism, petro-dollars are at the service of Islam anyway. It is the Hindu who is left to defend himself all alone while he is oppressed in various parts of the world like Nepal, Malaysia, Fiji, Europe and US. The creation of an international Hindu lobby is quite feasible given the list of the Hindu Super Rich in Forbes.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Spirituality is India’s only politics

Why the Hindu brand of spirituality is beyond science, religion, politics and secularism
Spirituality is a much used and abused word. It’s meaning has been dirtied by association with narrow-minded faiths.
What Aurobindo or Swami Vivekananda or for that matter any doyens of Hindu nationalism meant by spirituality is far different from what the west perceives it to be.
The Hindu brand of spirituality is far different from religion. It is the means of centering oneself. It is a means to know one better and go beyond the body, mind and the intellect. Spirituality may be an article of faith for the Hindu society but the practice of spirituality has little to do with faith. It is as much a secular exercise as it is a mystical exercise.
The Hindu brand of spirituality is evolutionary and has two forms. They are (1) Yoga and (2) Tantra. They represent the Yin and Yang of human consciousness. While the former stresses will power, the latter streses devotion and surrender. While the former is male (active), the latter is (female) passive. Both the treatises --Patanjali Yoga Sutra and theVighyan Bhairava Tantra -- have listed practical manuals to enable an individual to go beyond himself.
For instance, the Yoga Sutra lay down the eight limbs – Yama (Rules), Niyama (Regularity), Asana (postures), pranayama (breath), pratyahara (withdrawal of attention), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption in the universal consciousness). On the other hand, the Tantra texts put forth 112 techniques of meditation that enable a person to get rooted in himself.
Unlike Abrahamic faiths -- which are built around belief systems and offer inducements of after life paradise and merrymaking -- the Hindu spiritual texts only teaches us how to deal with the present moment. A study of Hindu spiritual texts makes a man stoical rather than a fanatic (as in the case of Abrahamic or for that matter any other faiths).
Ramana Maharshi – the Sage of Arunachala – never gave any belief systems to the seekers who visited him. He only told them to go deeper into themselves by asking themselves the question: “Who am I?” There was no question of change of faith. It was only about self-knowledge. J Krishnamurthy – another proponent of the non-dual version – preferred to call it awareness. Both Ramana and J Krishnamurthy – in a long line of Hindu seers – were against belief systems and urged the seekers to drop their beliefs and look at reality in the face.
As Swami Vivekananda rightly said: “Every soul is potentially divine” The challenge of spirituality is to manifest the perfection / divinity that is already in man. The Hindu brand of spirituality only aims at manifesting the perfection which is assumed to be the natural state of man.. The Hindu brand of spirituality is beyond religion, science and politics as it is more experential. While science, religion and politics are in the outer domain, spirituality is in the inner domain. While science is exact and verifiable, the experiences of spirituality are relative and unverifiable.
The critics of spirituality : For the postmodern leftists, spirituality is bourgeoise culture.. Their allegation stems from their thinking that religion is the opium of the man. While it is true that religious (a form of belief system) can be the opium of the masses, practical spirituality should liberate the masses rather than enslaving them. The left fails to make a distinction between religion and spirituality.
Postmodernist authors like Meera Nanda claim that the Hindu concepts of advaita, moksha et al are as much misleading as the Abrahamic faiths. What Nanda fails to realize is that Abrahamic faiths are belief systems, while the Hindu spiritual systems are designed to enable a person to shed his illusions. Hindu spirituality does not encourage beliefs, it advocates dropping of the belief system and enables a person to perceive truth / reality in an objective manner. Disciplines like Zen, Tao et al are also on the same line.
Meditation and Neural Fireworks: There is another school of thought which claims that meditation only alters the human nervous system as does alcohol or for that matter any other drug. While it is true that mystical practices like meditation and tantra do lead to variations in the human nervous system, it would be wrong to limit these practices to a few chemical changes in the body. Mystic practices like Yoga and Tantra changes not just the chemical combinations of the body. It changes the entire make-up of the persons from attitudes to energy levels. It also results in the dawning of wisdom that no scientific instruments have been able to measure to date.
While the negative traits of Hindu nationalism is to contain the four demonic ideologies of the Mullah-Padre-Comrade-Corporate brigade, the positive trait of Hindu nationalism is to spread the message of spirituality. I am not saying this. These are the words of the doyens of Hindu nationalism – Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda and Aurobindo.

The battle for the Hindu mind

Evangelical Carpet bombing Although Hindus constitute 85 percent of population, it is the mullah, padre, comrade, corporate brigade which has a free run in India.

The leftists are in control of the media and they are aided by the other three in consonance with Stalin’s idea of a common front. As for academia, it is the Christian missionaries with their large network of educational institutions who are dictating terms. As for the Corporate brigade, their entry into several sectors has raised the shackles of the unorganized business and industries of India. Regarding the Islamic incursions, the less said the better. When the US – with less then one percent of Muslim population – could feel the heat, the Indian situation with Arab petro-dollars is not difficult to imagine. It is as if all the four are ticking time bombs – waiting to explode.
There are several dimensions to the war. While jehad and Communist violence (Naxalites) are downright physical, the Corporate-evangelical war is more or less cultural or financial.
It is a culture war, a paradigm conflict. It is a political invasion from within. It is a bloodless war for the minds, hearts, and souls of Hindus. It is being waged with force, foreign fund and deception in television, in the class rooms, in the media and in the political fields. It is a constant and continuing war on the spiritual tradition of India. It is a war for the Hindu mind. It is a war, which is meant to dominate.
The evangelical incursions: Christian missionaries in India enjoyed much support from European Christian colonial masters who controlled the political, economic and educational institutions for centuries, to 1947. With the active support of the European Christian colonialists, missionaries founded churches, large scale political organizations, and educational institution.
Even after independence, political parties handed over to Christians an influential position in India. Leaders of the Church became key advisers and also exercised political, economic, and educational functions as government leaders. The missionaries have created fronts in the press, economic institutions, commercial enterprises, as well as grabbed urban and forestland, established non-governmental organizations, schools, colleges and formed political parties.
Thanks to minority rights, the Hindus could scarcely match the missionaries in education, media and commerce. Political Christianity formed a special clique, finding their ideal in real estate, education, health industry, media, plantation and commerce. Their ulterior motive was that Christians should be strategically placed in policy decision bodies.
Political Christianity in India is naturally averse to Hindu consolidation and likes to divide Hindu society for practical purposes. That is why these missionaries support caste based organizations and regional political parties. Then Hindus would continue their class division and the Church would accomplish their goal. Christians make it a point to dismiss Hindu spiritual and cultural traditions. The Church had a clear mission to liberate Hindus from their cultural roots and enslave them with rigid, closed, divisive and linear Christian dogma.
Missionaries with the closed, rigid and uncompromising dogma are obsessed with the idea of converting Hindus who believe in pluralism, tolerance and the all inclusive Vedic philosophy. Spiritual vedic thought has always posed a serious challenge and dilemma for the Christian Church. For centuries, unable to challenge the broader and systemic Hindu philosophy, Christian missionaries have resorted to deceptive mind manipulation strategies to trap and convert Hindus.Political parties and secular leaders allowed Christians not only to influence government policies, but also tolerated their attack on Hindu spiritual practices. This political patronage enabled Christians to exercise an influential anti Hindu role in public life and in government.
The power of the Church in India is enormous. Massive inflow of foreign fund helped the Church to influence the media, own large tracts of urban and forestland, control political parties, as well as own commercial and educational institutions. Their explicit purpose, among other things, is to stop Hindu consolidation and get them to fight on caste lines. In order to solidify their growing hegemony, Christians have made alliance with the Congress party, the Marxists, and regional parties as well as with parochial organizations.The explosive effect of this unholy alliance can be gauged by the emergence of Christian power in central and several state governments. Control of educational institutions, trade, plantation and real estate brought wealth to Christians in ways Christians had never known. All the while, Christian organizations received massive amounts from abroad for conversion activities.Christian conquests are more and more commercial and less spiritual. Well-established business, trade and commerce proved better, more wealth producing mode of occupation than spirituality. Concurrent with commercial success, the Church with the help of foreign fund elevated the role of political interference with absolute control of government in many states. Political influence of Christians in India marked the modern scene to an extent unknown before.
Deceptive practices: One of the more alarming trends in India in recent years is the growing number of evangelical Christian organizations. This growth has been accompanied by an astonishing increase in Christian missionary activities, which target Hindus for conversion. Well over 3,000 missionary groups spend over a billion dollar each year for conversion work in India. Evangelical Christian groups sponsor hundreds of full-time missionaries. They also sponsor television and radio programs. Missionaries have sponsored thousands of non-governmental organizations for overt and covert activities for furthering Christian causes. These evangelical Christians use deceptive tactics to attract secular Hindus, journalists, academicians and westernized intellectuals. Evangelical missionary groups use Hindu names for their organizations to attract and trap innocent Hindus. They frequently misquote, mistranslate and misrepresent Hindu scripture and texts in order to use it as a bait and switch game.
Evangelical missionaries are specially trained in human psycology. They know well how to conceal, camouflage, and distort reality. They use sophisticated psycho programming for softening people up for the kill. Like most power plays, softening people up for the kill is dangerous. It is not transparent enough for Hindus to see through and choose to stay out.
Missionary Agenda through other means: Evangelical Christian organizations advertise under the garb of Human Rights, dalit organizations, solidarity movements of the oppressed, Environmental Protection groups and social service agencies. Their goal is to mislead Hindus, to fabricate false reality, erase memory, and soften them for "thought implant". Pamphleteering and misleading advertisement of evangelist Christians are on the increase. There is an upsurge in Christian pamphlets being distributed at Hindu festivals, temples and sacred places of pilgrimage. Missionary groups aggressively distribute Christian publications to denigrate Hindu deities at Sabarimala, Thirupathi, Guruvayoor, Ujjain, Benares, Palani, Uduppi, and Sivagiri where Hindus congregate in large numbers.In addition, missionary groups employ scare tactics, intimidation and violence to discourage and prevent Hindus from organizing protest against deceptive conversion tactics. Evangelical missionary groups engage in a variety of relatively benign deceptions intent to leave secular Hindus with a more positive impression on them. The real purpose for engaging in hidden agenda power plays is conversion of innocent Hindus. Hidden agendas, psycho programming and mind manipulation techniques are used to entice unsuspecting Hindus. Beneath the polished exterior of Christian educational institutions lies a burgeoning political and cultural war machine that strikes at the traditional spiritual values of India.
The Evangelical Carpet bombing : Most of these NGOs display signs of "messiah madness" and manifest a great sense of urgency to convert as many Hindus as possible for creating a Christian vote bank. Recent Christian violence in Orissa, Bihar, Kerala and Tamil Nadu are perfect example of the deceptive practices used by evangelical proselytizing groups. There are at least 500 Christian proselytizing organizations that operate with foreign fund in Orissa and Bihar alone, which are actively targeting Hindus for conversion. Recently deceptive and aggressive conversion efforts have led to escalating tension throughout Bihar.
Putting an end to conversion activities: Conversion is an attack on the basic dignity of human beings. The Missionaries use the desperation of the masses to lure them into their faith. This fact goes unrepresented in the Indian media, which seems to receive the Christian largesse.
There has been an ominously deafening silence from secular political leadership at all levels. This silence itself is complicit in creating a favorable atmosphere for Christian conversion groups. Phony secular leaders engage in ineffective maneuvers to maintain the status quo and avoid unpleasant thoughts because reporting on deceptive missionary conversion practices only makes matters worse
A REPEAT OF EUROPE: Hindus must exercise constant vigilance and educate the masses about the true nature of the hidden agendas of Christian groups and foreign funded NGOs. The value of free speech and the basic right to free expression is not absolute under the Indian constitution. Hindus have the right to oppose Christian hate speech and deceptive practices that may be deemed offensive. Awareness, education and assertive protest seem to be the best way of confronting conversion. In a way, the Hindu society faces the same problem, which Europe faced in the 18th century. The Europeans rejected the Church during the renaissance and chose progress. Even the founding fathers of the US Constitution were aware of this problem. Thomas Jefferson had chosen to create riders that kept the missionaries at bay. The Hindus should do likewise – reject Christianity and choose progress while retaining the best of Hindu spiritual traditions.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hindu Temples: What happened to them?

Facts ignored when history is at the service of the party

The Leftists historians in India are experts at the game of demystification. They tend to view anything and everything in terms of class interests.
Their reasoning is that when the medieval Islamic invaders plundered Temples, it was because Temples had a lot of wealth in them. Notwithstanding the thousands of epigraphs and quotes from Chroniclers, the leftists continue to say that the attacks on Hindu Temples were motivated by purely pecuniary gains.
However, it took eminent historians like K S Lal, Sitaram Goel and the permanent Indian gadfly Arun Shourie to call their bluff. K S Lal quoted authentic sources to say that Muhammad Ghaznavi had rejected offers of wealth from the Pandits at Somnath Temple by stating that he was a butshikan (an idol breaker) and not an idol seller. Sitaram Goel collected evidence on nearly 10,000 Temples which were damaged by the medieval Muslims. His book – Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them – is a classic on these themes.
The following is the narration of the "pious performance" by Muslims of plundering and converting Hindu temples to mosques and other Islamic structures.
Name of the structure: Quwwat al-Islam MasjidLocation: Delhi in Uttar Pradesh Inscription:
"This fort was conquered and the Jami Masjid built in the year 587 by the Amir(*), the great, the gloriuous commander of the Army, Qutub-ud-daula wad-din, the Amir-ul-umara Aibeg, the slave of the Sultan, may Allah strengthen his helperes. The materials of 27 idol temples, on each of which 2,000,000 Delhiwals(**) had been spent were used in the construction of the mosque." *The Amir mentioned above was Qutubud-Din Aibak, slave of Muhammed Ghori. **"Delhiwal" was a high denomination coin current at that time in Delhi.
Name of the structure: Mansuri Masjid Location: Vijapur in GujratInscription:
"The Blessed and Exalted Allah says, 'And verily, mosques are for Allah only; hence invoke not anyone else with Allah.' This edifice was originally built by the infidels. After the advent of Islam, it was converted into a mosque. Sermon was delivered here for sixty-seven years. Due to the sedition of the infidels, it was again destroyed. When during the reign of the Sultan of the time, Ahmad, the affairs of each Iqta attained magnificence, Bahadur, the Sarkhail, once again carried out repairs. Through the generosity of Divine munificence, it became like new."
Name of the structure: Masjid at Manv iLocation: Manvi in KarnatakaInscription:
"Praise be to Allah that by the decree of the Parvardigar, a mosque has been converted out of a temple as a sign of religion in the reign of the world- conquering emperor, the Sultan who is the asylum of the Faith and the possessor of the crown, who's kingdom is young, viz. Firuz Shah Bahmani, who is the cause of Exuberant spring in the garden of religion, Adu'l-Fath the king who conquered. After the victory of the emperor, the chief of chiefs, Safdar (the valiant commander) of the age, received the fort. The builder of this noble place of prayer is Muhammad Zahir Aqchi, the pivot of the Faith. He constructed in the year 809 from the Migration of the Chosen (prophet Muhammdad) this Ka'ba like momento."
Name of the structure: Mausoleum of Shykh 'Abdullah Shah Changal Location: Dhar in Madhya PradeshInscription:
"The centre became Muhammadan first by him(*) (and) all the banners of religion were spread... This lion-man came from the centre of religion to this old temple with a large force. He broke the images of the false deities, and turned the idol temple into a mosque. When Rai Bhoj saw this, through wisdom he embraced Islam with the family of his brave warriors(**). This quarter became illuminated by the light of the Muhammadan law, and the customs of the infidels became obsolete and abolished." *Shykh 'Abdullah Shah Changal **In this case the Hindu King was Bhoj II and during his reign Jalalu'd-Din Khalji (AD 1290-1296) of Delhi invaded Malwa. Changal was the Muslim missionary who accompanied Khalji's army. This army after plundering and looting the kingdom of Bhoj II converted a Hindu temple into a mosque and forced the ruler and his subjects to accept Islam.
Name of the structure: Jami' Masjid Location: Malan in GujratInscription:
"...(The Prophet), on him be peace, says 'He who builds a mosque in the world, the Exalted Allah builds for him a palace in Paradise.' In the auspicious time of the government and peaceful time of Mahmud Shah, son of Muhammad Shah, the sultan, the Jami', mosque was constructed on the hill of the fort of Malun (or Malwan) by Khan-i-Azam Ulugh the request of the thandar Kabir, (son of Diya), the building was constructed by the son of Ulugh Khan who is magnimonius, just, generous, brave and who suppressed the wrteched infidels. He eradicated the idol-houses and mine of infidelity, along with the idols... with the edge of his sword, and made ready this edifice... He made its walls and doors out of the idols; the back of every stone became the place for prostration of the believer..."
Name of the structure: Jami' Masjid Location: Amod in GujratInscription:
"Allah and His grace. When divine favour was bestowed on Khalil Shah, he constructed the Jami' Masjid for the decoration of Islam; he ruined the idol-house and temple of the polytheists, (and) completed the Masjid and pulpit in its place. Without doubt, his building was accepted by Allah."
Name of the structure: Shrine of Shah MadarLocation: Narwar in Mdhya pradeshInscription:
"Dilawar Khan, the chief among the king's viceroys, caused this mosque to built which is like a place of shelter for the favourites. Infidelity has been subdued, and Islam has triumphed because of him. The idols have bowed to him and the temples have been razed to the ground along with their foundations, and mosques and worship houses are flowing with riches."
Name of structure: Hamman Darwaza Masjid Location: Jaunpur in Uttar PradeshInscription:
"Thanks by the guidance of Everlasting and the Living Allah, this house of infidelity became the niche of prayer. As a reward for that, the Generous Lord constructed an abode for the builder in paradise..."
Name of structure: Jami Masjid Location: Ghoda in MaharashtraInscription:
"O Allah O Muhammed ! O Ali ! When Mir Muhammed Zaman made up his mind, he opened the door of prosperity on himself by his own hand. He demolished thirty-three idol temples and by divine grace laid the foundation of a building in the abode of predition."
Name of structure: Gachinala MasjidLocation: Kurnool District of Andhra PradeshInscription:
"He is Allah, may be glorified..During the august rule of...Muhammed Shah, there was a well established idol-house in Kuhmum...Muhammed Salih...razed to the ground, the edifice of the idol-house and broke the idols in a manly fashion. He constructed on its site a suitable mosque, towering above the building of all."
The above was a presentation of inscriptions on mosques and other Islamic structures in India. These inscriptions, as you clearly read, glorify and justify the acts of the barbaric Muslim invaders by invoking Allah and the Koran. Thus this leads us to the conclusion that Islam openly supports the criminal acts of loot, plunder, rape, murder, torment, torture and destruction!!
Despite these findings, the Indian media and their left cohorts continue to ignore the facts and go ahead with their ‘sick’ular schemes. The eminent historians ranging from Romila Thapar and Irfan Habib have preferred to ignore the inconvenient questions by Sitaram Goel. Koenraad Elst calls this technique as "Strangling by silence".
The travesty of Hindu Temples is that they are not owned by the Hindus. These Temples are owned and maintained by the secular Government of India under the Endowment Act. The further tragedy is that the funds obtained by running of the Hindu Temples do not go for the maintenance and development of the Temples but in fact go towards minority development like the madrasas which are the breeding grounds for terror.
To put an end to such practices, a meeting of Hindu seers, sages and priests had taken place which had resulted in The TIRUPATI DECLARATION
The following are the three cardinal Articles of this Historic Declaration: 1) We Hindus assembled here (in Tirupati) declare that we do not support, directly or indirectly, any group, institution, religion, media, or political force, which preaches, practices or works against Hindu Dharma in this country; 2) We appeal to all the Hindus in this country and elsewhere to subscribe to and support this declaration, the Tirupati Declaration; 3) We want all the Hindu religious endowments to be managed by Hindu bodies, and not by the government. We want the secular government to release all religious endowments from its hold –(July 25, 2006)

When two roads diverge: Voice of India vs RSS

In any movement, there are conflicts between men of ideas and men of action. You may call it as a combat between idealism and real politik.
Hindu nationalism is no different in this regard. Currently, there are two trends in the movement. One is the intellectual movement with Voice of India as its vanguard and the other is the massive organization of the ubiquitous Sangh Parivar with its vast reach in all sectors from politics to religion and from labour to students wing.
In fact, the clash between men of ideas and men of action is not a new phenomenon in Hindu nationalism. Even in the initial days, V.D. Savarkar and K.B. Hedgewar had differences in their approach. While Hedgewar considered Savarkar too intellectual and less practical, Savarkar did not repose much faith in Dr. Hedgewar’s plans.
The Sangh Parivar views the Voice of India polemics as rash while the Voice of India views the Sangh Parivar as ineffective in implementation of its idea despite the large size of the organization.
Voice of India published a book – Time for Stock Taking – Whither Sangh Parivar – that was a virtual chargesheet against the Sangh Parivar for its failures on many fronts. The basic crux of the allegation is that the Sangh Parivar has taken jargons like Sarva Dharma Samabhava too seriously and has not done enough to expose the dangers of Islamic jihad. The Sangh Parivar’s efforts to bring Muslims into the national mainstream are ridiculed as a “secular influence”.
The Sangh Parivar’s failure to implement its ideologies despite having its own government at power is also mentioned. They have also been targeted for ignoring the four demands of Hindu society – construction of Ram Temple, implementation of Uniform Civil Code, Abrogation of article 370 and scrapping of the Haj Funds.
On the other hand, the Sangh Parivar views Voice of India as being too intellectual and less practical. Managing the multidimensional movement is surely a tough job. Notwithstanding the charges, it must be said that Voice of India has created a group of elite intellectual Hindus who are bent on disseminating their ideologies through any means.
Meanwhile, the Sangh Parivar continues with its task of organization which is a slow process given the vastness and the conservative nature of Hindu society.
To those who are new to these jargons, Voice of India is a publishing house founded by Late Sitaram Goel, an ex-Communist. However, he became a staunch Hindu after meeting his ‘Guru” Ram Swarup and began exposing the machinations of Indian secularists, historians and politicians through his sharp, acerbic and polemical pen. He also inspired a legion of writers to write along the line.
His acidic writing in The Organiser drew the attention of the RSS top brass who did not approve his write-ups although they contained the bitter truth. He started his own publishing house and began exposing leftists and the enemies of the Hindu society in his own inimitable manner.

Hindu Nationalists, postmodernists and intellectual dishonesty

Walter Truett Anderson identifies postmodernism as one of four world views. These four worldviews are the postmodern-ironist, which sees truth as socially constructed, the scientific-rational in which truth is 'found' through methodical, disciplined inquiry, the social-traditional in which truth is found in the heritage of American and Western civilisation and the neo-romantic in which truth is found either through attaining harmony with nature and/or spiritual exploration of the inner self. (Walter Truett Anderson (1996). The Fontana Post-mosernism Reader).
Most of those in the Hindu nationalist movement can fit into the neo-romantic version who believe that truth is found either through attaining harmony with nature and / or spiritual exploration of the inner self. There are some Hindu nationalists who opine that truth may even be found in the heritage of traditional Indian civilization. There are atheists and rationalists too in the vast fold of Hindu nationalism.
In principle, Marxists are supposed to be atheists. In India, the earlier generations of Marxists were indeed atheists, though they followed the Stalinist strategy of a "common front" in forming an alliance with Christians and Muslims against the principal enemy, Hinduism. This way, their secularism of the Marxist is being infiltrated with religious elements. It is becoming a "religious secularism. That is why they are silent on Muslim and Christian excesses.
Christian and Muslim denominational schools -- which receive state funding under Art. 30 of the Constitution (unlike Hindu denominational schools, which are excluded from this provision for not being "minority institutions") -- mix religion with academics in their curriculum. Yet these secular worthies never express any objection to this massive nationwide intrusion of religion into education at vast taxpayers' expense.
Also, when Hindus complain of factual problems such as missionary subversion or Muslim terrorism, it is always dismissed as “RSS propaganda".
Meera Nanda and the Prophets Facing Backwards:
Meera Nanda is a postmodernist who has spun a yarn on Hindu nationalism in her book – Prophets Facing Backward”. In her book she creates a scare scenario about Hindu metaphysics taking on the garb of science.
She says that those who are deeply skeptical about traditional religious claims often are shallowly accepting of New Age, Eastern, and holistic ways of looking at the world.
“But as secularists have begun to take on religion there is a danger that in calling for a rigorous evidence-based examination of one area they leave other areas untouched. In banishing religion from the front door some of these secularists are happily letting other forms of supernatural thinking in through the back. “
“… Attacks by feminists, environmentalists and others on the sins of 'reductionist western science' have created a positive aura around 'holistic science' which, it is claimed, overcomes the gap between the subject and the object. It is easy to debunk faith. Faith is by definition a relationship of trust regardless of evidence. “
“Spiritualism has learned to dress up its metaphysical abstractions in the clothes of empiricism, neuro-physiology and quantum physics. In contrast to the obvious irrationality of believing in an all-powerful, all-knowing invisible being, belief in 'spiritual energies' which can be 'directly experienced' by anyone simply by altering the state of their consciousness can appear so much more rational, even 'scientific'. “
Nanda says that Hindu metaphysics is equally unscientific. Nanda takes Sam Harris, author of "The End of Faith," to task for not being as critical of his own spiritual beliefs as he is of Islamic, Christian, and other fundamentalists.
“But this bilious attack on faith, the aspect of the book which has received all the attention, only sets the stage for what seems to be his real goal: a defense, nay, a celebration of Harris' own Dzogchen Buddhist and Advaita Vedantic Hindu spirituality. Spirituality is the answer to Islam's and Christianity's superstitions and wars, he tells us. Spiritualism is not just good for your soul, it is good for your mind as well: it can make you "happy, peaceful and even wise". Results of spiritual practices are "genuinely desirable [for they are] not just emotional but cognitive and conceptual".
She points along these lines that while God, Allah and Jehovah are abstractions. The same is the case with Hindu metaphysics like “being”, “nonduality” and “pure awareness”
“In science (Thomas Kuhn notwithstanding) anyone with functioning senses, adequate training and right apparatus can see the same star, the same DNA molecule, the same electron. But not everyone with adequate training in meditation techniques, and the right atmosphere, sees the same mystical reality: some see God, some see nothing at all and some, without any meditation at all, see what the mystics see. The mystical beliefs which Harris so approves of are every bit as unscientific, untestable and unverifiable as the religious belief he so aggressively attacks.“
Refuting Meera Nanda and postmodernists : Meera Nanda and her cohorts of postmodernists are actually worried that Hindu spirituality is gaining acceptance among the intellectuals of the west – who have discarded their irrational Abrahamic faith with Hindu/Buddhist/New Age spirituality. She says that Hindu spirituality – even though it may seem sophisticated – is as much shallow as the Abrahamic faiths. She is wrong here. The Abrahamic faiths offer paradise in heaven or Janaat in the afterlife. However, the Hindu spiritual practices are more focused on the moment. Most of the meditation techniques – whether it be the vipassana or Tantra/Yoga – do not offer any after-life inducements. They are ways of getting centred on the self. They are exercises that aim at well-being of the individual with little emphasis on belief. Her storm in the tea cup may disaffect a neophyte not an expert.

The Roots of Hindu nationalism

An unbroken streak of more than 1000 years The origin of Hindu nationalism is quite debatable. However, the earliest reference to Hindu nationalism comes from the epic Vishnu Purana. The Sanskrit verses state that the the land south of the Himalayas and extending up to the sea is Hindustan or which is the homeland of the Hindus.
The passions of Hindu nationalism were whipped up only after the Islamic invasion. In this regard, Raja Dahir was perhaps the first Hind nationalist. Dahir – the last Sindhi Hindu King -- who fought to his last breath while defending Sindh against the Muslims had remarked before the war that he would be honoured if victorious and history would remember him forever if he were to be martyred for the sake of his motherland. Raja Dahir died in the battle.
When Dahir's severed head was presented to Hajjaj, a courtier sang: "we have conquered Sindh after enormous trouble.... Betrayed is Dahir by Mohammed Bin Qasim's masterly strategy. Rejoice, the evil doers are disgraced. Their wealth has been brought away . . . They are now solitary and brittle as eggs and their women, fair and fragrant as musk-deer, are now asleep in our harems'.'
Similarly, there were a constant flow of Hindu nationalists in the form of Kings, Chieftains, Ministers, Sages and Saints who put in their best efforts to keep afloat the spirit of Hindu nationalism. Others who can be classified under this category are Prithiviraj, Rana Pratap, Krishnadevaraya, Guru Gobind Singh and Shivaji.
After the British entry, Hindu nationalism took on a new dimension. This category of Hindu nationalists were English educated and were in a position to understand both the sides of the coin. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda and Aurobindo were all for modernization and removal of superstitions while retaining the best of Hindu tradition. Later moderate Congress leaders like Lokamanya Bala Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Roy and Bipin Chandra Paul also had streaks of aggressive hindu nationalism in them and their part in the spread of the ideology cannot be ignored by any standards.
However, exclusive Hindu nationalism was born only after the establishment of Hindu Mahasabha in 1915 and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh in the year 1925. Savarkar and Moonje, who founded Hindu Mahasabha, were convinced that the Congress policy of appeasement was disastrous. They were of the view that the only way the Hindu society could survive was through politicization and militarization of Hindu society. Their vision was on the dot as the docile Hindus had to contend with Muslim bullying and domineering British rulers. In fact, when Savarkar encouraged Hindu youths to enroll in the British army so that they could receive military training, he was jeered as a "recruiting agent" by the eminent leftists of his time. Even the Hindu Mahasabha did not serve Hindu society to itsfullest extent as it only had a nominal support in the Hindu society.
The Hedgewar vision was quite different from Savarkar. Dr. Hedgewar’s diagnosis of the Hindu society was as follows: The Hindu society has everything – talents and resources. However what it lacks is an organizer and organization. It is due to the lack of organization that the Hindu society is diseased. The Sangh – that he founded in 1925 – was supposed to be the panacea for Hindu society’s ills. However, he made it clear that Sangh is not an organization in the Hindu society. It is the organization of Hindu society. Today, the Sangh has spawned into a multifarious organization with its tentacles all across the world.

Hindu Nationalists and Casteism

According to Prof. Koenraad Elst, Jati and varna have, for the most part, helped rather than hurt Hinduism Read this article to find out why?
In an inter-faith debate, most Hindus can easily be put on the defensive with a single word-caste. Any anti-Hindu polemist can be counted on to allege that "the typically Hindu caste system is the most cruel apartheid, imposed by the barbaric white Aryan invaders on the gentle dark-skinned natives." Here's a more balanced and historical account of this controversial institution.
Merits of the Caste System
The caste system is often portrayed as the ultimate horror. Inborn inequality is indeed unacceptable to us moderns, but this does not preclude that the system has also had its merits.
Caste is perceived as an "exclusion-from," but first of all it is a form of "belonging-to," a natural structure of solidarity. For this reason, Christian and Muslim missionaries found it very difficult to lure Hindus away from their communities. Sometimes castes were collectively converted to Islam, and Pope Gregory XV (1621-23) decreed that the missionaries could tolerate caste distinction among Christian converts; but by and large, caste remained an effective hurdle to the destruction of Hinduism through conversion. That is why the missionaries started attacking the institution of caste and in particular the brahmin caste. This propaganda has bloomed into a full-fledged anti-brahminism, the Indian equivalent of anti-Semitism.
Every caste had a large measure of autonomy, with its own judiciary, duties and privileges, and often its own temples. Inter-caste affairs were settled at the village council by consensus; even the lowest caste had veto power. This autonomy of intermediate levels of society is the antithesis of the totalitarian society in which the individual stands helpless before the all-powerful state. This decentralized structure of civil society and of the Hindu religious commonwealth has been crucial to the survival of Hinduism under Muslim rule. Whereas Buddhism was swept away as soon as its monasteries were destroyed, Hinduism retreated into its caste structure and weathered the storm.
Caste also provided a framework for integrating immigrant communities: Jews, Zoroastrians and Syrian Christians. They were not only tolerated, but assisted in efforts to preserve their distinctive traditions.
Typically Hindu?
It is routinely claimed that caste is a uniquely Hindu institution. Yet, counter examples are not hard to come by. In Europe and elsewhere, there was (or still is) a hierarchical distinction between noblemen and commoners, with nobility only marrying nobility. Many tribal societies punished the breach of endogamy rules with death.
Coming to the Indian tribes, we find Christian missionaries claiming that "tribals are not Hindus because they do not observe caste." In reality, missionary literature itself is rife with testimonies of caste practices among tribals. A spectacular example is what the missions call "the Mistake:" the attempt, in 1891, to make tribal converts in Chhotanagpur inter-dine with converts from other tribes. It was a disaster for the mission. Most tribals renounced Christianity because they chose to preserve the taboo on inter-dining. As strongly as the haughtiest brahmin, they refused to mix what God hath separated.
Endogamy and exogamy are observed by tribal societies the world over. The question is therefore not why Hindu society invented this system, but how it could preserve these tribal identities even after outgrowing the tribal stage of civilization. The answer lies largely in the expanding Vedic culture's intrinsically respectful and conservative spirit, which ensured that each tribe could preserve its customs and traditions, including its defining custom of tribal endogamy.
Description and History
The Portuguese colonizers applied the term caste, "lineage, breed," to two different Hindu institutions: jati and varna. The effective unit of the caste system is the jati, birth-unit, an endogamous group into which you are born, and within which you marry. In principle, you can only dine with fellow members, but the pressures of modern life have eroded this rule. The several thousands of jatis are subdivided in exogamous clans, gotra. This double division dates back to tribal society.
By contrast, varna is the typical functional division of an advanced society-the Indus/Saraswati civilization, 3rd millennium, bce. The youngest part of the Rg-Veda describes four classes: learned brahmins born from Brahma's mouth, martial kshatriya-born from his arms; vaishya entrepreneurs born from His hips and shudra workers born from His feet. Everyone is a shudra by birth. Boys become dwija, twice-born, or member of one of the three upper varnas upon receiving the sacred thread in the upanayana ceremony.
The varna system expanded from the Saraswati-Yamuna area and got firmly established in the whole of Aryavarta (Kashmir to Vidarbha, Sindh to Bihar). It counted as a sign of superior culture setting the arya, civilized, heartland apart from the surrounding mleccha, barbaric, lands. In Bengal and the South, the system was reduced to a distinction between brahmins and shudras. Varna is a ritual category and does not fully correspond to effective social or economic status. Thus, half of the princely rulers in British India were shudras and a few were brahmins, though it is the kshatriya function par excellence. Many shudras are rich, many brahmins impoverished.
The Mahabharata defines the varna qualities thus: "He in whom you find truthfulness, generosity, absence of hatred, modesty, goodness and self-restraint, is a brahmana. He who fulfills the duties of a knight, studies the scriptures, concentrates on acquisition and distribution of riches, is a kshatriya. He who loves cattle-breeding, agriculture and money, is honest and well-versed in scripture, is a vaishya. He who eats anything, practises any profession, ignores purity rules, and takes no interest in scriptures and rules of life, is a shudra." The higher the varna, the more rules of self-discipline are to be observed. Hence, a jati could collectively improve its status by adopting more demanding rules of conduct, e.g. vegetarianism.
A person's second name usually indicates his jati or gotra. Further, one can use the following varna titles: Sharma (shelter, or joy) indicates the brahmin, Varma (armour) the kshatriya, Gupta (protected) the vaishya and Das (servant) the shudra. In a single family, one person may call himself Gupta (varna), another Agrawal (jati), yet another Garg (gotra). A monk, upon renouncing the world, sheds his name along with his caste identity.
Below the caste hierarchy are the untouchables, or harijan (literally "God's people"), dalits ("oppressed"), paraiah (one such caste in South India), or scheduled castes. They make up about 16% of the Indian population, as many as the upper castes combined.
Untouchability originates in the belief that evil spirits surround dead and dying substances. People who work with corpses, body excretions or animal skins had an aura of danger and impurity, so they were kept away from mainstream society and from sacred learning and ritual. This often took grotesque forms: thus, an untouchable had to announce his polluting proximity with a rattle, like a leper.
Untouchability is unknown in the Vedas, and therefore repudiated by neo-Vedic reformers like Dayanand Saraswati, Narayan Guru, Gandhiji and Savarkar. In 1967, Dr. Ambedkar, a dalit by birth and fierce critic of social injustice in Hinduism and Islam, led a mass conversion to Buddhism, partly on the (unhistorical) assumption that Buddhism had been an anti-caste movement. The 1950 constitution outlawed untouchability and sanctioned positive discrimination programs for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Lately, the Vishva Hindu Parishad has managed to get even the most traditionalist religious leaders on the anti-untouchability platform, so that they invite harijans to Vedic schools and train them as priests. In the villages, however, pestering of dalits is still a regular phenomenon, occasioned less by ritual purity issues than by land and labor disputes. However, the dalits' increasing political clout is accelerating the elimination of untouchability.
Caste Conversion
In the Mahabharata, Yuddhishthira affirms that varna is defined by the qualities of head and heart, not by one's birth. Krishna teaches that varna is defined by one's activity (karma) and quality (guna). Till today, it is an unfinished debate to what extent one's "quality" is determined by heredity or by environmental influence. And so, while the hereditary view has been predominant for long, the non-hereditary conception of varna has always been around as well, as is clear from the practice of varna conversion. The most famous example is the 17th-century freedom fighter Shivaji, a shudra who was accorded kshatriya status to match his military achievements. The geographical spread of Vedic tradition was achieved through large-scale initiation of local elites into the varna order. From 1875 onwards, the Arya Samaj has systematically administered the "purification ritual" (shuddhi) to Muslim and Christian converts and to low-caste Hindus, making the dwija. Conversely, the present policy of positive discrimination has made upper-caste people seek acceptance into the favored Scheduled Castes.
Veer Savarkar, the ideologue of Hindu nationalism, advocated intermarriage to unify the Hindu nation even at the biological level. Most contemporary Hindus, though now generally opposed to caste inequality, continue to marry within their respective jati because they see no reason for their dissolution.
Racial Theory of Caste
Nineteenth-century Westerners projected the colonial situation and the newest race theories on the caste system: the upper castes were white invaders lording it over the black natives. This outdated view is still repeated ad-nauseam by anti-Hindu authors: now that "idolatry" has lost its force as a term of abuse, "racism" is a welcome innovation to demonize Hinduism. In reality, India is the region where all skin color types met and mingled, and you will find many brahmins as black as Nelson Mandela. Ancient "Aryan" heroes like Rama, Krishna, Draupadi, Ravana (a brahmin) and a number of Vedic seers were explicitly described as being dark-skinned.
But doesn't varna mean "skin color?" The effective meaning of varna is "splendor, color," and hence "distinctive quality" or "one segment in a spectrum." The four functional classes constitute the "colors" in the spectrum of society. Symbolic colors are allotted to the varna on the basis of the cosmological scheme of "three qualities" (triguna): white is sattva (truthful), the quality typifying the brahmin; red is rajas (energetic), for the kshatriya; black is tamas (inert, solid), for the shudra; yellow is allotted to the vaishya, who is defined by a mixture of qualities.
Finally, caste society has been the most stable society in history. Indian communists used to sneer that "India has never even had a revolution." Actually, that is no mean achievement.